
Abbotsford Detached Home Market Update March 2024

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The Fraser Valley Real Estate Board recently published the MLS® statistics for the Abbotsford real estate market, among others, for March 2024.

In this post, we’re going to take a close look at key numbers for the Abbotsford detached home market for March 2024 – including sales, new listings, active listings, as well as benchmark, median and average prices for detached homes for sale in Abbotsford.

We're also going to see what kind of shape the detached home market in Abbotsford was in for the month – whether it was a buyer's market, a balanced market, or a seller's market.

With inventory building, buyers now have more opportunities in both the detached and attached markets compared to one year ago. However, despite increased options, some buyers may still be waiting on the sidelines for the financing landscape to further settle before they feel comfortable getting back into the market.

Jeff Chadha – President, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board

And we're going to look at how the Abbotsford MLS® numbers for March 2024 compare with the numbers for March 2023 and for February 2024.

Highlights of FVREB MLS® Data on Abbotsford Detached Home Listings and Sales

Here's a high-level snapshot of listing and sales activity for Abbotsford detached homes in March 2024.

  • 69 Sales
  • 177 New Listings
  • 314 Active listings
  • $1,238,200 Benchmark Price
  • $1,189,700 Median Price
  • $1,239,886 Average Price

The sales-to-active-listings ratio netted out a market absorption rate of 21.97%, indicating that it was a Seller's Market for detached homes in Abbotsford in March 2024 (click on the link learn more about local housing market ratios on the BC Real Estate Association blog).

Please note: If you want the most accurate and up-to-date data on Abbotsford MLS® listing and sales activity for detached homes, you need to speak with a real estate agent.

Abbotsford Detached Home Market Changes

Following are some of the highlights for detached homes for sale in Abbotsford in March 2024:

  • There were 69 detached home sales in Abbotsford in March 2024 – a decrease of -25.81% over March 2023 and an increase of 2.99% over February 2024
  • There were 177 new listings of detached homes in Abbotsford in March 2024 – an increase of 24.65% over March 2023 and an increase of 26.43% over February 2024
  • The average price of a detached home in Abbotsford in March 2024 was $1,239,886 – an increase of 8.91% over March 2023 and an increase of 4.74% over February 2024

If you're really keen to understand what happened in the market for detached home in Abbotsford in March 2024, make sure you check out the next section.

Detailed Overview of the Market for Detached Homes in Abbotsford

Check out the table below for more detailed information on what happened in the Abbotsford detached home market in March 2024 and see how it compares with the previous year and previous month.

Abbotsford Detached Home Stats

Metric Mar 2024 Mar 2023 % Change Feb 2024 % Change
Sales 69 93 -25.81% 67 2.99%
New Listings 177 142 24.65% 140 26.43%
Active Listings 314 222 41.44% 250 25.60%
Benchmark Price $1,238,200 $1,104,500 12.11% $1,195,000 3.62%
Median Price $1,189,700 $1,080,000 10.16% $1,125,000 5.75%
Average Price $1,239,886 $1,138,425 8.91% $1,183,807 4.74%


All of the data for the monthly real estate market updates are taken directly from the MLS® statistics packages that the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board publishes every month.

Although rare, errors and omissions may happen from time to time. If you want to be absolutely certain the you have the most accurate data, we encourage you to click on the link to the latest MLS® statistics for the Abbotsford real estate market.

Or, better still, speak directly with a real estate agent who specializes in Abbotsford detached homes who will be able to provide you with the most accurate, up to the minute information on – and insights into – the Abbotsford real estate market.

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